Twisty's Tesseract

from Twisty's Mind come Twisted Products - Welcome - About


An online arsenal of tools, free for sharing.
Notecase is a nicely developed note taking application and organizer. It
RefBook: My pocket journal of tables
Paper and pencil were my friends since early childhood. Now in a paperless


Most Wanted lists of interest.
Image floats for PHP & Markdown
One of the best features of the wonderful "MDwiki" tool is its ability to
That Gunsmoke Episode
I'd like to find that episode when Doc and Festus are debating how man


Making home life easier in simple tips.
Off-grid working
Another curious link about solar-powering a van work studio.
Our family medicine practitioner is very considerate of our concerns for


Number theory, geometry, or just doing the math.
Toxic Ballots Outline 2024
☠Toxic☠. Ballots . How Ranked Methods Prevent Democracy by Joel
Approval versus Disfavor
Within 500 words: THE HARD ANALYSIS Approval Voting is the best remedy to
Angle "The Giant"
Another corrected answer on Angles DAB and BCD are very
Folding Polygons into Pyramids 2
Some corrections to a problem result in lengthy, ongoing discussions. On
Folding Polygons into Pyramids
When I find incorrect answers in, which is way more often


Questions of moral and effective living.
Is voting moral?
(This is primarily a place holder for a larger, more detailed


Playlists and notes of entertainment favorites.
Who Am I? German hacker film
The year 2014 was a bustling time for the newest wave of hacker movies.
Twisty's Space Rock Party Mix
I made this list almost a decade ago, but it's still a favorite


Life's Miscellany.
SSRIs linked to suicidality
This event in 2001 made history, holding a company liable for their own
Place holder

Recent Posts

Toxic Ballots Outline 2024

☠Toxic☠. Ballots . How Ranked Methods Prevent Democracy by Joel

Approval versus Disfavor

Within 500 words: THE HARD ANALYSIS Approval Voting is the best remedy to

SSRIs linked to suicidality

This event in 2001 made history, holding a company liable for their own

Off-grid working

Another curious link about solar-powering a van work studio.

Mr. Robot FanFic - Season 5

Introduction Fanfic Season 5 I've been sharing outlines of the final 20 - Values - Future-Proofing