Twisty's Tesseract

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S03E09 - eps3.8_stage3.torrent

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  • We open to a backflash of the day that Allsafe was hired to provide cybersecurity for E Corps. Gideon Goddard is stilll alive, and Angela runs point to manage the E Corp file. Still, Terry Colby is an ass toward her, and sends her for his coffee. She gracefully accepts, and Philip Price looks on, concerned. During the drive back to E Corp, he tells Terry and Tyrell that we are going to hire them; no discussion.
  • Back in modern times, an FBI detail is driving Tyrell Wellick back to his home in Chelsea. It's an empty nest, his wife dead and his son taken, leaving a netted crib as a persistent reminder. He keels and cries.
  • Elliot finds himself regaining consciousness as Mr Robot used soap to scrawl on the mirror "They own the FBI." Elliot quickly deduced that he means The Dark Army.
  • He studies over Robot's browser history and open windows. He had been looking over Trenton's email with her plan to undo the 5/9 hack... and details of Tyrell Wellick's release from custody.
  • Going back the night before, Robot gets up from the same open windows, to visit Tyrell at his home. Robot presses the craziness of the cyber bombings. Tyrell presses back on the betrayal, costing him the death of his wife and the deportation of his son to Denmark. When Robot responds with brating the wealthy eleite who leave us in the streets for dead, "like your wife Joanna," Tyrell has had enough. He grabs latex gloves from the drawer, telling him "you don't get to talk about my wife."
  • The two begin to fight, as Philip Price shows up at the front door.
  • Back at the old arcade, Elliot & Darlene try to figure out how to get the keylogs taken from Romero's PC by the FBI. Elliot informs that the FBI is owned by The Dark Army. Darlene is confident in her knowledge of the FBI work environment, and asks his trust in her.
  • Irving is showing off a red sedan to a customer. Elliot hacks the car to stop, and hops into the back seat. Irving covers the cameras and microphones with tape, to hear Elliot's demands: He wants an audience with Whiterose to discuss "Stage 3."
  • Agent Dom meets Darlene at a bar. Darlene is less-than-forthright with details, but Whiterose has been behind everything. Her real motive in meeting is that she's trying to capture an image of Dom's FBI credentials, but her first attempts fail. After a break in the bathroom to examine her failed scanning hardware, she decides to delve deeper, to seduce Dom.
  • Angela shows us at Elliot's apartment. She presents newspapers and evidence to corroborate her belief in Whiterose's promise of a new world. She's paranoid of those who want to stop Whiterose, so she moves the conversation indoors.
  • As they enter the apartment, Leon waits on the couch. Ironically, Angela is convinced this is a trap set by Elliot. Leon insists she must leave, and she readily obliges.
  • Philip Price presents the CTO office to Tyrell, then quickly dashes his hopes. He underscores their inability to lead a following. "You can't force an agenda; you have to inspire one."
  • Dom's seduction leads them back to her apartment. Darlene resumes the role of a failed wingwoman, and turns the occassion into a confession of her affection. Dom stows her gun and ID in her safe. They get in bed together.
  • Angela is packing her belongings and fish Qwerty, intent on seeking out Whiterose. She expects to be taken in a manner similar to her last abduction on the subway. When a white van with suits pulls up*, she responds, "We're ready."
    • The suits are actually sent by Philip Price. Had she not been in a state of delusion, she should have clued in that luxurious business attire is not the style of The Dark Army.
  • Leon passes Elliot on to Dr. Wang, who in turn brings him to the meeting with Grant. Elliot pitches the only true path to destroy E Corp: destroy ECoin. But Grant captures the folder of Stage 3 from the laptop onto a thumbdrive, and bids Elliot goodbye.
  • Darlene attempts to crack into Dom's safe, using a pillow to muffle the sound. Dom catches her in the act.
  • Robot & Tyrell scheme to use the CTO title to bide their time inside E Corp. Tyrell chooses that moment to inform Robot that The Dark Army has a man inside the FBI.
  • Darlene is brought before Santiago to explain why she was trying to steal Dom's ID. If she could access Sentinel, she could use the keys recorded by Romero to undo the 5/9 hack.
  • Irving is called by Santiago. He explains that Darlene can undo the hack, and asks Irving how to proceed.
  • Whiterose throws a fit in her apartment, as a musician plays an eerie melody on wineglasses. Grant divulges the status of the Washington Township Plant transport (or lack thereof), and the stage 3 request,
  • Robot is prying into the details of Sentinel. Elliot narrates the infiltration of The Dark Army's management software. Having full access, he now pwns The Dark Army.
  • Whiterose instructs Grant to do what he thinks is best. The episode ends with the eerie glass melody playing on.